Janet Peters, Director of University Libraries and University Librarian at Cardiff University recently attended the M25 Consortium Annual Conference. The theme of the conference was “In it Together: responding to national initiatives” and Janet was invited to give a presentation on the work of WHELF entitled “Partners in knowledge: a conspirator’s guide to colloboration in Wales”. The presentation can be seen below. Janet introduces the development of the new WHELF strategy to support the Welsh government agenda, our partnership working on the Welsh Information Literacy Framework to create national curriculum content and Open Learning units for information literacy, the shared LMS procurement, Walk-in Access and WHEEL.
[slideshare id=34331879&doc=m252014lmsjp-140506060429-phpapp01]
Janet’s notes on the other speakers at the conference including Chris Hale on “Post-Finch-Universities UK’s role” can be accessed here.