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To celebrate the centenary of the publication in 1923 of the first Gregynog Press book, Poems by George Herbert selected by Sir Henry Walford Davies. This simple but beautiful little book is one of the treasures of Gregynog and will be at the centre of our centenary celebration this year.

The day will feature distinguished speakers from the world of letterpress printing and the poetry of George Herbert, along with colleagues and friends – old and new – who all share a connection with and passion for Gregynog and the fine arts. The Gregynog Press was created by Gwendoline and Margaret Davies at Gregynog Hall, their home in the heart of rural Mid Wales, as part of their aim to help people in the aftermath of the First World War to rebuild their lives through the experience of making craft, art and music. So the Gregynog Press was born, to celebrate the traditional crafts of fine printing, wood engraving and book binding, with printers, artists and bookbinders – sometimes editors too – working together to create works of a unique creative unity and beauty. Over the years it established a reputation as one of the finest private presses in Europe.


Helen Wilcox

Professor Emerita of English Literature at Bangor University, and Editor of the acclaimed Cambridge edition of The English Poems of George Herbert

“A sweetnesse readie penn’d”: the Gregynog edition of George Herbert’s Poems (1923)

Nick Hand

Letterpress printer at The Department of Small Works & Letterpress Collective, Bristol

❦ The Magic of Letterpress

Robert Meyrick

Professor, Head of School and Keeper of Art at Aberystwyth University School of Art ❦ Fine drawing, significant spacing, and simple, rigid design: artists at Gregynog Press

Mary Oldham

Historian and Librarian of Gregynog Hall

❦ From Gregynog Press to Gwasg Gregynog: an outline history


The Music Room, Gregynog Hall

09.30 – 10.00 Registration and Coffee in the Blayney Room, Gregynog Hall

10.00 Welcome and introductions

10.15 Mary Oldham

From Gregynog Press to Gwasg Gregynog, a brief history

11.00 Helen Wilcox

“A sweetnesse readie penn’d”: the Gregynog edition of

George Herbert’s Poems (1923), with readings of several poems

12.30 Buffet lunch in the Dining Room

13.30 Nick Hand

The Magic of Letterpress

14.45 Robert Meyrick

Fine drawing, significant spacing, and simple, rigid design: the artists of the Gregynog Press

16.00 Afternoon Tea in the Blayney Room

Gregynog Press books and ephemera from the Gregynog Hall’s collection will be on display alongside selected works from other private presses. Gregynog Hall will also be open to visitors from 12 noon to 4 pm on Sunday 9 July 2023.

How to book

Morning coffee, buffet lunch and afternoon tea will be included in the day seminar fee of £70 per person. To book contact