The WHELF Learning and Teaching Sub-Group invites you to join us for this FREE teachmeet on inclusive learning, which will focus on how we can design learning experiences which minimise barriers for disabled students and improve the learning experience for everyone. 

The Teachmeet will take place on 12 May from 10-12 via Zoom.  The programme includes the following:


Sarah Jones, Chair of WHELF Learning and Teaching Sub-Group

A holistic approach: universal design for learning

Joe Nicholls, Education Consultant, University Library Service, Cardiff University

Supporting print disabled students with accessible formats at Swansea University

Martina (Tina) Webber, Manager, Swansea University Transcription Centre

How can I make my learning material more inclusive? Using features in PowerPoint and Word to make information more accessible and easier to use.

Philippa Price, Subject Librarian, Swansea University

Q&A and summary

Sarah Jones

If you would like to attend, please book your place here.  A link to the Zoom meeting will be emailed to all registered participants on 11th May.

We look forward to seeing you at the event.

Philippa Price and Rebecca Mogg

On behalf of WHELF Learning and Teaching Sub-Group