Apr 13, 2022 | Digital Literacy, EDI - equality diversity and inclusion, Events, Information literacy, JISC, Learning Spaces, Public Libraries, Student Experience, Technology, WHELF
Catherine Finch, Collections Librarian University of South Wales, writes DigiFest 2022: what really happened. This year’s DigiFest showcased the latest education technology and reflected on pandemic teaching and learning experiences. It took place in the ICC at...May 3, 2019 | Archives & Special Collections, Blog LMS WHELF a Rennir, Collaboration, Copyright, Digital Literacy, Digitisation, Events, Information literacy, JISC, Learning & Teaching, Learning Spaces, News, Research, Shared Services, Student Experience, TeachMeet, Technology, Welsh Universities, WHELF, Whelf shared LMS
The WHELF Annual Report for the academic year 2017-18 is now available. The report highlights the collective work of WHELF along with news and developments from the WHELF institutions. The report can be downloaded in English or Welsh from the links below: English...May 12, 2014 | Collaboration, Events, Technology, Welsh Universities, WHELF, Workforce Development
Gregynog Colloquium 10th – 13th June 2014: “Rethinking the Future: Satisfying staff and students in times of diminishing resources and rising expectations.” The draft programme and details of how to book are available here Every year HEWIT and WHELF...Mar 31, 2014 | Archives & Special Collections, Collaboration, Events, Information literacy, Learning & Teaching, Repositories, Technology, Welsh Universities, Workforce Development
Thema: “Ailfeddwl y Dyfodol: Bodloni staff a myfyrwyr ar adeg pan fo adnoddau’n lleihau a disgwyliadau’n cynyddu”. Bob blwyddyn mae HEWIT a WHELF yn trefnu cynhadledd breswyl ym Mhlas Gregynog, canolfan gynadleddau Prifysgol Cymru. Mae hwn yn gyfle blynyddol i staff...Oct 6, 2013 | Events, Technology
27-30 May 2014 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Mobile technology has transformed so many aspects of our lives: how we work, how we communicate, how we study and how we play. Hosted by The Open University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, this conference...Sep 27, 2011 | Events, Technology
How can RFID help libraries face dual challenge? Tuesday 8 November 2011, The Bloomsbury Hotel, London Libraries everywhere are facing the dual challenge of delivering improved services with diminishing budgets. The contribution technology can make to squaring this...