WHELF has an Archives & Special Collections Group which includes representatives from most of the higher education institutions in Wales. The purpose of the Group is to provide WHELF University and NLW Librarians and their operational nominees with a forum:
- To work collaboratively on shared projects
- To identify joint funding activities
- To share outcomes
- To collaborate on promotion and raising awareness of archives and special collections
- To present issues for discussion to WHELF.
Kristine Chapman [Chair, National Museum Wales]
Alan Vaughan Hughes [Vice-Chair, Cardiff University]
Sian Williams [Swansea University]
Elen Simpson [Bangor University]
Aimee Jones [Cardiff Metropolitan University]
Sian Collins [UWTSD]
Kester Savage [National Resources Wales]
Judith Dray [RWCMD]
Sally McInnes [National Library of Wales
Catherine Finch (University of South Wales]
Sian Chaney-Price (University of South Wales]