WHELF Annual Colloquium 2021
There and back again: using lessons learned from the pandemic to shape the library services of the future.
The WHELF Colloquium is again online this year. Our programme explores how we have adapted services and innovated during the past year with a chance to reflect and discuss on what we might take forward into the future. Booking is free for this virtual event, so please join us for our annual get together on Wednesday 9th June 2021, 10:00 – 16:30
10:00 Welcome and introduction from Alison Harding as WHELF Chair
10:05 Keynote (Steve Williams – Head of Libraries, Archives, Culture and Arts, Swansea University)
10:35 Panel 1 (introduced by Claire Wotherspoon – The Open University)
Moving information literacy training online: challenges, tools, impact, and lessons for the future (Nicola Jones – Cardiff University)
Moving Open Days online at Swansea : Our libraries’ contribution(Bernie Williams, Sian Neilson and James Broomhall– Swansea University)
11:25 Comfort break
11:35 Shared experience breakout discussion: Reading lists / Information Literacy training online
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Panel 2 (introduced by Andrew Dalgleish – USW)
WHELF shared LMS update: an update on WHELF LMS activities to adapt to a world with Covid (Jenny McNally – WHELF LMS Manager)
Reinventing with WHEEL: How resources acquisition has changed with the times (Tom Francis – Aberystwyth University, John Dalling – UWTSD)
13:50 Shared experience breakout discussion: Lessons learned from the pandemic.
14:15 Comfort break
14:25 Panel 3 (introduced by Gill Morris – WHELF/Swansea University)
Help! How can we open the library? : Building collaborative frontline services during a pandemic (Bernadette Ryan, University of South Wales)
Supporting blended learning for highly practical subjects (Sally Brockway and Judith Dray (RWCMD))
Digital surrogates: ways forward for access to archives & special collections (Kristine Chapman, National Museum Wales, Alan Hughes, Cardiff University, Sian Williams, Swansea University)
15:45 Quiz (Mark Hughes – Cardiff Met)
16:15 Closing remarks by Alison Harding as WHELF Chair
If you have any questions, please contact the Jisc events team or Gill Morris, WDO.