Thursday, 26 November 2009 in the Drwm, National Library of Wales
10.00 Arrival, and tea/coffee
10.30 Welcome and introduction by Andrew Green, Librarian
10.45 The National Library of Wales Education Service (Owen Llewelyn, Senior Education Officer)
11.15 Enquiries at the National Library of Wales (Anwen Pierce, Head of Enquiries)
11.45 Electronic resources at the National Library of Wales (Manon Foster Evans, Head of Reader Services)
12.15 Putting Welsh Journals online : the challenges (Martin Locock, SCIF Project Co-ordinator)
12.45 – 1.30 Lunch at Pendinas
1.30 Digitisation of Newspapers and Journals (Alan Vaughan Hughes, Digitisation Project Manager)
2.00 North Reading Room; presentation and tour of the new reading room (Iwan ap Dafydd, North Reading Room Manager)
2.30 Depart
[Members of the University, College and Research Libraries Wales Section Committee will hold a meeting at 2.30]
If you are interested in attending this event, which is free of charge, could you please contact Carol Edwards at the National Library of Wales, on 01970 632923 or