Research and Scientific data management: new challenges and opportunities
National Library of Wales
Monday, 16 February 2015 from 10:00 to 14:00 (GMT)
This event will explore how we can build on existing experience of data management from the Welsh Repository Community and rise to the challenges of managing more complex data including data created by researchers as part of the scholarly lifecycle.
10:00 Coffee and arrival
10:30 Introduction to the day
Lorna Hughes (Chair), School of Advanced Studies, London
10:45 Managing Complex Data at the National Library of Wales
Glen Robson and Owain Roberts, NLW
11:00 Research Data Management and the Welsh Higher Education Libraries Forum
Amy Staniforth, Aberystwyth University
11:15 The role of repositories in the research life-cycle
Andrew Prescott, University of Glasgow
11:30 Managing the Record of Research at the Smithsonian Institution
Thornton Staples, Smithsonian Institute
12:00-13:00 Discussion

13:00-14:00 Sandwich Lunch
Click on the link to register for this free event: