Dear colleagues-
Swansea University will be hosting an event to discuss the future of Welsh repositories, open access, data management, the Research Excellence Framework and ORCID. This event is open to all staff in HE institutions. We will have a speaker from the National Library of Wales to help direct the discussion.
If you would like to present/contribute/share/suggest a topic for discussion at this event, please email Rebecca by the 15th July.
Event – Welsh Repositories Seminar Day
Date – Monday, 21st July 2014
Time – 9:30 arrival and coffee for a 10:00 start – 16:00 finish
Cost – FREE, lunch and tea/coffee is provided
Venue – Swansea University, SURF Seminar Room in Fulton House
To book you place please email Rebecca in the first instance and no later than the 15th July. Please note that places are limited.
A detailed agenda for the day will be forwarded to you the week before the event.
Dymuniadau gorau/Best wishes-
Rebecca Kelleher (BSc, PGCE)
Deputy Subject Librarian | Dirprwy Lyfrgellydd Pwnc