Apr 24, 2013 | Events, Journals, Open Access
Rebecca Mogg from Cardiff University Libraries attended this year’s UK Serials Group (UKSG) Conference in Bournemouth with financial support from the Kathleen Cooks Bequest Fund. With Rebecca’s help we can all update our knowledge on open access...Jan 7, 2013 | Events, Journals
Bookings are now open for the JUSP workshop at Cardiff University on Wednesday 13 February (10am-4pm). This will follow the same format as the workshops held earlier this year, with presentations from the JUSP team and from libraries, hands-on sessions, and the chance...May 23, 2012 | E-books, Events, JISC, Journals
The JISC Collections Summer Roadshows are taking place at Cardiff University and other venues over the summer. The events are aimed at librarians in the JISC Collections member institutions and are open to both HE and FE. The Cardiff roadshow is on 7 June. Further...