The WHELF Learning & Teaching sub-group will be holding two Library TeachMeets during November 2016 the theme of employability.

The first event will be held on the 9th November at Bangor University and the second event will be held at the Bay Campus, Swansea University on the 28th November. Both events are building on the Aberystywth University Library TeachMeet that was held in May 2016.

Photo by Faustin Tuyambaze – Unsplash

If you would like to attend the event on the 28th November at Swansea University, please register here: Lunch and refreshments will be provided by sponsorship from CILIP’s Information Literacy Group.

And if you have some ideas or experience you would like to share at the event, please contact Philippa Price ( In line with the informal, dynamic nature of a TeachMeet, sessions will be approximately 10-20 minutes long. You don’t have to be an expert to take part!