On Monday 18th March, WHELF colleagues will have the opportunity to take part in a webinar which was organised by Andrew Dalgliesh, our new Representative for the University of South Wales. Andrew says:

At the launch of the Learning Analytics Cymru project last year, it was recognised that learning analytics are a fruitful area for collaboration, and interest was expressed in building ‘communities of experience’.  For us it could mean an opportunity to

*Share experience of how our libraries are engaging with wider strategic objectives in this space
*Share perspectives on which library/e-resource data can usefully contribute to learning analytics
*Share expertise (especially from our LMS experts) about extracting data and making it fit for purpose
*Provide a forum for discussing how to interpret data and sharing what support interventions are appropriate and effective

JISC have engaged a consultant, Kerr Gardiner who has offered to do a webinar for WHELF to give us common understanding of the learning analytics projects and their implications for institutional change, and hear from us about how we might want to get involved.

This promises to be an interesting and informative session.